NACD Applauds Conservation Investments in Omnibus


The National Association of Conservation Districts is grateful the fiscal year 2023 omnibus appropriations bill passed the House last week and was sent to the White House for signing. They say the agreement supports voluntary, locally-led conservation efforts across the country by providing strong funding for critical conservation programs and initiatives.
The package includes no cuts to mandatory spending for USDA farm bill conservation programs like EQIP, CSP, RCPP, and CRP. It also has $941 million for Natural Resources Conservation Service Operations, including more than $800 million for Conservation Technical Assistance. That’s a $40 million increase compared to the 2022 funding level. The funding supports the work of conservation districts and other local partners to help producers assess resource needs, develop conservation plans, and implement effective conservation practices.
There’s also $925 million for the NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program, of which $75 million goes to Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Operations.

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