NDBC Salutes North Dakota Nurses in Rural Clinics


BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Beef Commission is teaming up with rural clinics to show their support for nurses in North Dakota.

May 6-12 is National Nurses Week and beef producers in the state are recognizing the important health care professionals for the critical role they play in the health and well-being in the state. Beef plays a role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with valuable nutrients wrapped up in a delicious package.

The NDBC is providing beef sticks, jerky and promotional materials to nearly 70 rural healthcare facilities throughout the state. Below is a list of participating clinics.

National Nurses Week is one of several “Beef Month” activities planned by the NDBC, including the third annual Beef Burger Contest, Flock Fest with the Bismarck Larks Northwoods League baseball team, North Dakota CattleWomen’s virtual 5K, Junior Beef Readers challenge and school lunch promotions.

North Dakota produces more than 915 million pounds of beef annually and contributes annual cash receipts from beef cattle sales totaling $2.53 billion.

The NDBC represents North Dakota beef producers and manages the state Beef Checkoff program that enhances beef demand by strengthening consumer trust and exceeding consumer expectations. This is accomplished through programs and activities in the areas of promotion, research and consumer information. For additional information on Beef Month activities and the NDBC, visit ndbeef.org/beef-month.

Participating Clinics  
AMC Clinic, Ashley Pembina County Memorial Hospital, Cavalier
CHI St. Alexius Health, Beach Cooperstown Medical Center, Cooperstown
Northwood Deaconess Health Center, Binford Crosby Clinic, Crosby
SMP Health – St. Andrews, Bottineau Heart of America Medical Center, Dunseith
Southwest Medical Clinic, Bowman Jacobson Memorial Hospital, Elgin
West River Health Services, Bowman Avera Clinic of Ellendale, Ellendale
Towner County Medical Center, Cando Sanford Health of Ellendale Clinic, Ellendale
Foster County Medical Center, Carrington Sanford Health Enderlin Clinic, Enderlin
Sanford Health Forman Clinic, Forman Rural Health Gackle, Gackle
Garrison Family Clinic, Garrison Glen Ullin Family Medical Clinic, Glen Ullin
Unity Medical Center, Grafton SMP Health – St. Aloisius, Harvey
Hazelton Clinic, Hazelton Sanford Hillsboro Clinic, Hillsboro
Trinity Community Clinic, Kenmare Rural Health Kulm, Kulm
Sanford Health LaMoure Clinic, LaMoure Cavalier County Memorial Hospital, Langdon
Northwood Deaconess Health Center, Larimore Linton Medical Center, Linton
Heart of America Medical Center, Maddock Nelson County Health System, McVille
Nelson County Health System, Michigan Milnor Clinic, Milnor
West River Health Services, Mott Rural Health Napoleon, Napoleon
West River Health Services, New England New Rockford Community Clinic, New Rockford
Northwood Deaconess Health Center, Northwood Oakes Community Clinic, Oakes
First Care RHC, Park River Park River Family Clinic, Park River
Tioga Medical Center, Powers Lake Tioga Medical Center, Ray
Richardton Clinic, Richardton SMP Health St. Kareri, Rolla
Heart of America Medical Center, Rugby West River Health Services, Scranton
Mountrail County Medical Center RHC, Stanley Tioga Medical Center, Tioga
CHI St. Alexius Health Clinic, Turtle Lake Walhalla Clinic, Walhalla
CHI St. Alexius Health Clinic, Washburn MCHS Clinic, Watford City
Rural Health Wishek, Wishek AMC Zeeland Clinic, Zeeland
Coal Country Comm. Health Center, Beulah Coal Country Comm. Health Center, Center
Coal Country Comm. Health Center, Hazen Coal Country Comm. Health Center, Killdeer
Northland Health Center, Bowbells Northland Health Center, McClusky
Northland Health Center, Ray Northland Health Center, Rolette
Northland Health Center, St. John Northland Health Center, Turtle Lake
West River Health Services, Hettinger Trinity Health Care Center, Velva

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