Iowa Cash Rents Hit Highest Average Value on Record


The recent yearly survey of Iowa’s cash rental rates for farmland shows rates jumped by nine percent so far in 2023. The average is now $279 per acre, the highest average value on record. This new peak

Ribbon Cutting on National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility

USDA and the Department of Homeland Security celebrated the dedication and ribbon-cutting of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas. This facility is the first of its kind in the U.S. It offers the highest

EPA to Recommend Delaying Electric Vehicles Biofuel Program

The Environmental Protection Agency will recommend delaying a program that would allow electric vehicle manufacturers to access tradeable credits under the Renewable Fuel Standard. Two sources told Reuters that the White House will review the EPA’s final

China Opposes U.S. Trade Agreement with Taiwan


China had a lot to say about the recent trade agreement between the U.S. and Taiwan. says China’s Ministry of Commerce urged the U.S. to “carefully handle economic and trade relations with Taiwan.” The U.S. Trade

USDA Wants Input on Prevented Planting Crop Insurance Coverage

The USDA published a Request for Information announcing public listening sessions and soliciting public comments on possible changes to prevent planting crop insurance coverage. In addition to the written public comment period, the Risk Management Agency will