Weekly Grain Inspections Drop, Bean Assessments Head Higher


A USDA report says inspections of corn and wheat for overseas delivery were down week-to-week, while soybean assessments improved during the week ending on May 25.
Corn inspections fell to 1.31 million metric tons during the week, down from 1.33 million tons. That’s also lower than the 1.41 million tons inspected during the same week last year. Wheat assessments drop to just over 382,000 metric tons from over 440,000 the prior week. That was up from the 344,300 metric tons during the same week in 2022. Soybean inspections rose to 239,736 metric tons from 166,590 tons the week before. That’s still down from the 404,300 tons assessed during the same week last year.
Since the start of the marketing year, USDA has inspected 28.7 million metric tons of corn for offshore delivery – down from 43.3 billion tons last year – 48.5 million metric tons of soybeans, and 19.6 million tons of wheat

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