Bio Huma Netics® Marks 50th Anniversary with New Name: Huma®

GILBERT, AZ — Bio Huma Netics® announced today it is ringing in its 50th anniversary by officially renaming itself Huma®, Inc. The name “Huma” is inspired by the word “humus”: the highly fertile, organic layer of topsoil that brings life to the

The Fuel Ox Introduces Infinity Lube Tar-minator

Asbury, N.J. – June 6, 2023 – The Fuel Ox (, an international corporation dedicated to providing fuel consumers with the most technologically advanced and eco-friendly fuel treatments and lubricants on the market, is proud to announce the launch

USDA Releases June WASDE Report on Friday

(WASHINGTON D.C.) — On Friday, USDA released the latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report for June 2023 at 11am CST. Overall, there were minimal changes to the balance sheets on this report. On the old

Discussing Herbicide Crop Stress with AMVAC


Crop stress from herbicides is a common issue that growers face across the country, which can impact final yields. We discuss things to watch out for and also a product that can help alleviate some of the