HURON, S.D. – Deadlines for all South Dakota State Fair open class entries are approaching quickly.
Exhibitors are encouraged to submit entries online at Mailed static exhibit entry forms must include payment and a completed W9.
July 31, 2023 – Static Entry Deadline
August 1, 2023 – Open Class Livestock Entries
Late entries may be accepted if space is available. A late fee will be charged.
Refer to the Exhibitor Handbooks for more information. Handbooks are available online at
“The State Fair is the place for you to let your talents shine! With many divisions and classes to enter, I encourage you to check out the open class exhibitor handbooks and see where you might fit in,” said Peggy Besch, South Dakota State Fairgrounds manager. “With perfectly grown vegetables to exquisite needlework items, beautiful photographs, and eight different livestock species, there is absolutely somewhere for everyone to enter!”
The 2023 South Dakota State Fair runs Thursday, August 31, through Monday, September 4. Channel Seeds preview night will be Wednesday, August 30. For information about the South Dakota State Fair, contact the Fair office at 800-529-0900, visit or find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.