The Environmental Benefits of Precision Agriculture Quantified


By Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) staff  MILWAUKEE – Agriculture and environmental sustainability have been closely linked for many years. It’s just that there has been little data to quantify the benefits. That, however, is no longer the case. “After

Japan to Visit South Dakota Beef Farms and Ranches

Pierre, SD – The South Dakota Beef Industry Council is excited to welcome Japanese Chef, Rika Yukimasa, to the United States for the American Beef Journey, July 23-27, 2023. Yukimasa hosts “Dining with the Chef”, popular NHK TV

Deadlines Approaching for SD State Fair Open Class Entries


HURON, S.D. – Deadlines for all South Dakota State Fair open class entries are approaching quickly. Exhibitors are encouraged to submit entries online at Mailed static exhibit entry forms must include payment and a completed W9. July

IDFA Announces Dairy Forum 2024 — ELEVATE


WASHINGTON, July 17, 2023—The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) is excited to announce that registration for Dairy Forum 2024 opens today. Now in its fifth decade, IDFA’s Dairy Forum is known around the world as the premier

MGP Ingredients to Close Industrial Alcohol Distillery


MGP Ingredients last week announced the planned closure of its industrial alcohol distillery expected in January 2024. The facility in Atchison, Kansas, produces grain neutral spirits, industrial alcohol products and related co-products. The decision to close this