PIERRE, SD – Beef Logic Inc. is pleased to announce Cagney Effling as their new Communications and Web Development Manager. Effling will work alongside Beef Logic staff to develop and create opportunities for beef through partnerships and collaborations that unite likeminded partners and stakeholders to increase awareness on the health benefits of beef and the farmers and ranchers that raise the product.
Effling, who recently served as Director of Programs and Communications for the SD Pork Producers Council, grew up near Highmore, SD on her family’s cattle operation and has been involved in the beef industry her entire life.
Effling attended Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Junior College where she completed her Associates Degree in Agriculture Sciences and competed on the livestock judging team. She began her communications career as an intern for the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s International Marketing Division and graduated from Kansas State University Cum Laude with a degree in Animal Science and Industry and a Business Minor. She developed her communication skills further as a member of the 2020 National Champion Livestock Judging Team at K-State and was selected as an All-American.
“We are excited to have Cagney join our team,” said Suzy Geppert, Executive Director, Beef Logic Inc. “Her passion for and experience in the industry will be a great asset as she understands the value of the product and how to communicate its benefits to the new generation of consumers”.
For more information about Beef Logic Inc. visit beeflogicinc.org or contact Suzy Geppert at sgeppert@beeflogicinc.org.