ADM Expands Regenerative Ag Program in Iowa


Decatur, Ill., July 25, 2023 – Now in its second year, ADMÒ is expanding its already thriving re:generationsÔ regenerative ag program, allowing more Iowa farmers to earn more income while making a positive impact on the environment and their soil’s health.

ADM will expand the program with the support of a USDA Climate Smart grant by providing 18 states and three Canadian provinces financial incentives and technical support for implementing practices including cover cropping, improved nutrient management and conservation tillage, helping achieve its overall sustainability goal of enrolling 2 million acres by the end of the year. It is the only federal Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program that is returning 100-percent of the grant back to participating producers.

Local farmers can learn more about the program from ADM representatives and enroll at a community meeting on Monday, Aug. 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Turner Hall in Keystone, IA. Timing is ideal as farmers consider their cover crop plan for the fall and planting decisions for the spring of 2024. Guests can RSVP here.

Most producers are earning up to $25 an acre per depending on their regenerative ag practices. Key to the program in Iowa is a partnership with Practical Farmers of Iowa to provide growers technical assistance, collect data and report program results.

“Although we are working to significantly reduce our environmental footprint globally, its producers on a state-by-state, county-by-county level that are making a positive difference for our environment and our collective futures,” said Theo Gunther, ADM’s re:generations’ Iowa program manager. “We’re honored to be able to partner with farmers on a very grassroots level while implementing the USDA grant to grow the program’s overall reach and the benefits it provides participating producers.”

Compared to other regenerative programs, ADM designed re:generations for ease of use, including a short-term one-year contract, fewer requirements and localized support from program managers and trusted environmental groups.

About re:generations

Started in 2022, ADM’s regenerative ag and Climate-Smart ag program, with 1,900 U.S. farmers and 1.2 million acres enrolled, offers financial and technical support to producers who newly adopt or continue current regenerative ag practices. This will ultimately attach positive environmental impacts to food, feed and fuel ingredients created by ADM, and help tell stories of the good work producers are doing to improve greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, soil health, and improved biodiversity through proactive practices like the use of cover crops, nutrient management and reduced tillage. ADM partners with FBN and leading environmental and conservation organizations in each state to provide tailored technical support and quality reporting.

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