Legislation Would Target Farm Payments Where Needed Most


Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) introduced legislation to rein in abuse of the farm payment system and ensure support goes to those actively engaged in farming. The “Farm Program Integrity Act” would create a hard cap of $250,000 in total commodity support for any one farm operation and require beneficiaries of the system to spend at least 50 percent of each year engaged in farm labor or management. Currently, just ten percent of farm operations receive 70 percent of all yearly farm payment subsidies.
“It isn’t right to send bloated farm payments to people who are more familiar with an office chair than a tractor seat,” says Grassley. “This bill brings honesty to the farm payment system and prioritizes farming families over mega-farms.”
Brown also says, “Too often, farm program payments have gone to producers who don’t need support or to people who aren’t even involved in farming.”

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