Brent Boydston Elected U.S. Grains Council Chairman During Annual Summer Meeting


CALGARY, CA — The delegates of the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) elected Brent Boydston, corn, cereal grains, digital agriculture and carbon lead at Bayer Crop Science, as chairman of its Board of Directors at its 63rd Annual Board of Delegates Meeting held in Calgary, Canada.
“Planting corn, sorghum and barley has several things in common with developing beneficial relationships with overseas end users – both take time and preparation, and both are long games,” Boydston said during his opening remarks on Friday. “Crops must be tended throughout the growing season and our work with our trading partners is also constant. We cannot put seeds in the ground and open offices around the world and just hope for the best.”
Boydston grew up in a family farming operation near Centerville, Kansas, that raised cattle, corn and soybeans. He assumed his current position with Bayer Crop Science in 2016 and has been on the Council’s Board of Directors ever since.
Previously, Boydston served as vice president of public policy at the Colorado Farm Bureau and spent more than seven years working on Capitol Hill.
In addition to Boydston, Verity Ulibarri of the United Sorghum Checkoff Program was nominated as vice chairwoman and Mark Wilson of the Illinois Corn Marketing Board was elected secretary-treasurer. Jim Reed of the Illinois Corn Marketing Board and Jim O’Connor of the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council were also elected as at-large directors.
The USGC Board of Directors now includes:

  • Brent Boydston, Bayer Crop Science: Chairman
  • Verity Ulibarri, United Sorghum Checkoff Program: Vice Chairwoman
  • Mark Wilson, Illinois Corn Marketing Board: Secretary-Treasurer
  • Joshua Miller, Indiana Corn Marketing Council: Past Chairman
  • Gail Lierer, Ohio Corn Marketing Program: At-Large Director
  • Curt Mether, Iowa Corn Growers Association: At-Large Director
  • Jim Reed, Illinois Corn Marketing Board: At-Large Director
  • Jim O’Connor, Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council: At-Large Director
  • Greg Hibner, J.D. Heiskell: Agribusiness Sector Director
  • Craig Willis, Eco-Energy: Agribusiness Ethanol and Co-Products Sector Director
  • Jay Fischer, Missouri Corn Merchandising Council: Corn Sector Director
  • Jim Massey, United Sorghum Checkoff Program: Sorghum Sector Director
  • Jean Henning, North Dakota Corn Utilization Council: State Checkoff Sector Director
  • Nathan Boll, North Dakota Barley Council: Barley Sector Director
  • Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council: President and CEO

Boydston shared his goals for the year and unveiled his theme for the year, Growing the Future, during his incoming remarks.
“It takes deep effort and consistency to maintain markets for U.S. corn, sorghum, barley and co-products. But that effort and hard work now also paves the way for the generations that will come after us,” Boydston said. “That trading stability will grow our global markets for our future, so that is why I’m so proud to be able to help lead this organization and help make a difference for this generation and generations to come, and to keep the flame burning brightly into a future for all of us long after I’m gone.
More from the meeting is available on social media using the hashtag #Grains23 or through the website

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