RFA Asks EPA to Approve Midwest E15 Petition


The Renewable Fuels Association sent a letter this week to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan regarding the E15 RVP Petition from several Midwest Governors. The association wants Regan and his agency to finalize its regulations accepting the petition of eight Midwest governors that would reduce evaporative emissions and allow summertime sales of the lower-cost, low-carbon E15 fuel blend in their states.
“Three months have passed since EPA’s public comment period ended, and more than a year has passed since EPA’s statutory deadline to promulgate a final rule approving the Governors’ petition,” wrote RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “And yet, despite strong public support for EPA’s proposal, the agency still has not finalized the rule or publicly provided a schedule for doing so.”
He also said the RFA wants the final rule published as soon as possible because the 2024 summer ozone control season is only nine months away.

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