Iowa Corn Day at the Iowa State Fair on August 18


JOHNSTON, Iowa – August 9, 2023 – Iowa Corn Promotion Board® is proud to sponsor Iowa Corn Day at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, August 18, 2023. Fairgoers will have the opportunity to participate in a scavenger hunt across the fairgrounds while Iowa Corn Growers Association® members will come together for a memorable experience as they flood the fairgrounds in their member t-shirts.
To participate in the Iowa Corn scavenger hunt, fairgoers can spot the seven stations scattered throughout the fairgrounds using the hint card found at the Iowa Corn tent on the Grand Concourse. The scavenger hunt will share the over 4,000 everyday products made from corn. By completing and engaging in the scavenger hunt, participants will earn a $5 coupon to enjoy a corn-fed treat at the Cattlemen’s Beef Quarters, Turkey Grill, Iowa Pork Tent or Pork Chop-on-a-Stick stands.
“We are excited to be adding a membership portion to Iowa Corn  Day at the Fair to say, ‘thank you’ to those that continue to be strongly engaged as Iowa Corn Growers Association members,” said Denny Friest, ICGA President and a farmer from Radcliffe, Iowa. “Events like the Iowa State Fair are a time to bring people together, which is why bringing farmers and consumers alike to the fair will encourage conversations on not only how Iowa grows corn, but also how corn grows Iowa.”
Fairgoers are encouraged to visit the interactive Iowa Corn mobile education trailer on the Grand Concourse. The 40-foot state-of-the-art mobile trailer takes visitors on a multi-media journey and shares how Iowa corn farmers conserve their land while growing corn that’s used for food, feed, fuel and 4,000 other everyday products.
For more information on Iowa Corn Day at the Fair visit

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