America’s Superberry — Aronia Supports Crop Diversification, Eases Supply Chain Woes, and Nourishes the American People


FARGO, ND (SETPEMBER 2023) – As farms around the country experience a range of extreme weather events, experts recommend crop diversification as a tool to build resilience.[1] What better solution than the highly nutritious, Midwest-grown Aronia berry? Coined “America’s superberry,” this incredible fruit is making its way into dietary supplements, nutritional bars, gummies, snack mix, juice shots, and sports nutrition/recovery drinks because of its accessibility to American farmers and manufacturers. American Aronia Accelerator (A3), a network of American farmers producing superfood ingredients, supports organizations along the supply chain that want to utilize this trending fruit.

Crop resilience is top of mind for growers this year as drought and extreme heat conditions wreak havoc on harvest season. The Aronia berry, however, is not known to be susceptible to pests or diseases and has held up well during this year’s high heat (growers in North Dakota expect a larger and earlier harvest this year due to the heat). As such, it is a good option for U.S. farmers looking to diversify. The fact that this superberry is rapidly gaining in popularity adds to Aronia’s appeal.

“Aronia is the superberry of the future,” said A3 CEO Blake Johnson. “This incredible berry provides the health benefits consumers crave and the resilience that farmers need, making it incredibly attractive to manufacturers. This year, we saw our largest number of purchase orders yet and expect to see continued growth.”

Most popular superberries are shipped into the U.S. from countries thousands of miles away. While these berries are flavorful and nutritious, recent supply chain back-ups highlight the need to source more local ingredients. Manufacturers have been keen to switch over to the U.S.-grown Aronia berry (also known as the black chokeberry) not only because it is locally accessible but also because it is one of the most nutritious berries in the world. This superberry, grown throughout the Midwest, is rich in antioxidants (Aronia berries have the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value of commercially available berries)anthocyanins, procyanidins, quercetin,[2] and vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and K, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Today, U.S.-grown Aronia can be found in an array of products, some of which have already made it to the shelves of major retailers like Target.

Aronia is such an amazing berry that it deserves to be celebrated. On September 10, 2023, producers and visitors in Amenia, North Dakota, will be celebrating America’s superberry at the third annual Aronia Berry Harvest Festival hosted by Nelson Aronia Farm. The festival will be attended by 20-30 vendors displaying Aronia products, from jams to candies to juice to cider to beer. For more information, visit

To learn more about America’s superberry contact 

About American Aronia Accelerator (A3) 

American Aronia Accelerator (A3) is a network of farmers and suppliers of natural products derived from Aronia berry with a deeply held belief in the health benefits Aronia berry can bring. A3 is available in powder, juice, and extract, both organic as well as conventions. A3 ingredients are rigorously tested batch to batch for organoleptic properties, microbiological controls, heavy metals, and polyphenol levels as applicable per ingredient. Full data analysis available on request. Pound for pound, Aronia berries contain more beneficial contents than any other berry available on the market such as vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, K, and niacin, and minerals such as sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Aronia berries have the highest known Total Phenolic Content (TPC) of 2010mg GAE/100g and Total Anthocyanin Content of 1480 mg/100g.

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