MN Ag Expo Returns in 2024


MANKATO – Mark your calendars! The MN Ag Expo is returning Jan. 17-18, 2024. Join the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) and the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) for the 2024 MN Ag Expo Jan. 17-18 at the Mayo Clinic

Plant Based Products Council Reacts to Introduction of the Ag BIO Act


WASHINGTON, D.C. – PBPC Executive Director James Glueck made the following statement regarding the introduction of the Agricultural Biorefinery Innovation and Opportunity (Ag BIO) Act: “The Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance Program is a

A Mixed Bag of October Midwest Economic News


(Omaha, NE) — A monthly Midwest economic report for October is a bit of a mixed bag. The nine-state Mid-America Business Conditions Index is down from last month, but still showing growth. It’s also showing some pessimism

BASF Unveils Poncho Votivo Precise Seed Treatment


RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. — Nematodes are the leading cause of soybean yield loss in the United States, costing growers an estimated $1.5 billion in yield annually. These microscopic organisms are present in most areas where soybeans

Minnesota Farm Bureau Leaders Attend President Biden Visit


NORTHFIELD, Minn. – President Dan Glessing and other leaders from the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) had the opportunity to attend President Joe Biden’s appearance in Minnesota on Wednesday afternoon as he kicked off his Investing in