Corn Growers Support Fertilizer Industry Transparency


The Iowa Corn Growers Association developed language they’d like added to the upcoming farm bill that would review competition and transparency in the fertilizer industry.
The language would mandate a USDA assessment of the pricing practices used by fertilizer companies and the effects of the price increase on both farmers and consumers. The association points out that input costs for farmers have gone up drastically and are crucial topics at the grassroots level. This assessment would provide transparency in the fertilizer market and help farmers understand why these price increases keep occurring.
Jolene Riessen, president of the ICGA, says, “We’re hopeful with the support of our Iowa delegation that this language will make it into the next farm bill, as it would provide USDA with the framework to start a comprehensive study and review of the fertilizer industry.”
The study would paint a clearer picture of what’s happening in the industry.

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