South Dakota Directors Attend Federation Orientation


Pierre, SD– Carl Sanders and Emily Peterson, directors on the South Dakota Beef Industry Council board, participated in an orientation event hosted by the Federation of State Beef Councils to learn about their role in the Beef Checkoff. New SBC directors from across the country came together in Denver, October 31-November 1, to learn about their roles and responsibilities as stewards of the Beef Checkoff. Attendees also learned about the Beef Act & Order, Checkoff history, fiduciary responsibility and Checkoff payment compliance.
Staff from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, provided an overview of current and future Checkoff-funded programs. The event also served as a way for directors to network with one another, meet NCBA staff and learn about available Federation resources.
SDBIC Board of Director and Vice President, Carl Sanders states, “The Federation’s New Director Orientation was a welcome opportunity to refresh my knowledge of national checkoff programs and connect with our state beef council colleagues from around the U.S. I appreciate the work of the checkoff every day, but especially when I’m reminded of how efficiently and effectively our resources are used to promote beef.”
Created in 1963, the Federation of State Beef Councils represents the 43 Qualified State Beef Councils, including the South Dakota Beef Industry Council, and is committed to its vision, which is to build beef demand by inspiring, unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership. State beef councils voluntarily invest in the Federation to enhance the national Checkoff and leverage producer dollars through a coordinated partnership. Housed at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, the Federation is a grassroots organization run by producers across the country.
For more information about how the South Dakota Beef Industry Council is driving the demand for beef, visit

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