Weekly Ethanol Production for 11/17/2023


Article courtesy of the Renewable Fuels Association According to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association for the week ending November 17, ethanol production slowed 2.3% to a 6-week low of 1.023 million b/d, equivalent to

Brand Resigns as NAFB Executive Director


PLATTE CITY, Missouri (November 22, 2023) – The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) announces the resignation of Tom Brand, its current executive director, effective December 31, 2023. Brand joined the NAFB staff in August 2011. Prior to

Warm Fall Weather Benefits North Dakota Ranchers


(Bismarck, ND) — Ranchers across North Dakota are reaping the benefits of an unusually warm fall. The milder weather allowed many farmers to finish their harvests early, giving them more time to tend to their cattle. In

Dry Conditions Increasing Fire Danger In South Dakota


(Pierre, SD) — Dry conditions in South Dakota are causing concern for increased fire danger. The lack of precipitation and snow cover this November is making the risk a reality in a month that fires typically aren’t

Xitavo Soybean Seed Showcases Remarkable Performance in 2023 Yield Trials


RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, November 20, 2023 — Xitavo™ soybean seed continues to collect first-place finishes in the Farmers’ Independent Research of Seed Technologies (FIRST) trials. Xitavo brand soybean products, which are exclusively distributed by BASF Agricultural Solutions, secured more

Strengthening Agriculture’s Talent Pipeline


Agriculture Future of America and the National FFA Organization made their partnership official. The groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding during AFA’s Leaders Conference in November. The MOU cements the bond that existed between the two groups