United Soybean Board Elects Steve Reinhard as New Chair


ST. CHARLES, Mo. (Dec. 7, 2023) — Farmer-leaders of the United Soybean Board (USB) elected Steve Reinhard from Ohio as the 2024 chair and 10 additional farmer-leaders to serve on the Executive Committee during the USB December meeting

Monthly Dairy Products Report: Mostly Higher Cheese Production


USDA’s Monthly Dairy Products Report released this week shows total cheese output, excluding cottage cheese, was 1.19 billion pounds, in October. That figure is 0.8 percent above October 2022 and 3.9 percent above September 2023. Italian-type cheese

USDA Announces Crop Insurance Improvements


The Department of Agriculture Wednesday announced updated to the Federal Crop Insurance Program. The updates affirm the use of USDA conservation practices as Good Farming Practices for crop insurance. Recently, USDA’s Risk Management Agency updated the Good

Foodservice Claims Largest Share of U.S. Food Dollars


In 2022, more than a third of U.S. dollars spent on domestically produced food went to foodservice establishments, which includes restaurants and other food-away-from-home outlets. At 34.1 cents per food dollar in 2022, the foodservice share increased

USDA Fulfills Long-Standing Tribal Requests


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Wednesday announced USDA is fulfilling some long-standing Tribal requests. Specifically, USDA is partnering with Tribal Nations in empowering Tribal food sovereignty and co-stewardship of federal lands and waters. Secretary Vilsack announced the first

NASS Inducts Two Former Employees Into Hall of Fame


USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service inducted two former employees to its Hall of Fame Wednesday. The NASS Hall of Fame honors individuals whose work has had a lasting impact on agricultural statistics. This year’s inductees are Carol