The annual Midwest Crops Conference is scheduled for January 2024 in St. Joseph, Missouri. Formerly the “Certified Crops Advisor Conference,” the two-day event targets people looking for Continuing Education Units, including crop advisors, ag industry professionals, and farmers.
“This workshop will provide in-depth discussion on several topics to help agricultural professionals enhance their crop production recommendations to farmers,” says Denice Ferguson, a member of the conference committee.
Researchers and experts in crop production from the University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, Kansas State University, and Iowa State University will present up-to-date information from their areas of expertise. “Anyone advising or managing an agricultural operation or serving the ag industry knows that research and technology is driving this sector,” Ferguson says. “Advancements in agronomy, pest management, and crop technologies bring improvements to farmers’ yields, efficiency, and risk management.”
The conference will offer 15.5 hours of Continuing Education Units for Certified Crop ‘Advisors. Learn more here: