NGFA and NAEGA Call for Immediate Reopening of Rail Corridors at Eagle Pass and El Paso


ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 18, 2023 – The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and the North America Export Grain Association (NAEGA) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol’s (CBP) closing this morning of international rail crossings at Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas.
“The NGFA and NAEGA call for the immediate reopening of the Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas railroad crossings to allow for the immediate passage of trains between the United States and Mexico. The North American market and grain trade supply chain are deeply intertwined. The closure of these two crossings is impacting the flow of grain and oilseeds for both human and livestock feed to one of the United States most important export markets and trading partners. According to USDA data rail represents 64 percent of grain and oilseed exports to Mexico, including 15,565,138 MTs of grains and oilseeds exported via rail in 2021 and 3.45 MTs of grains and oilseeds in the third quarter of 2023.
“NGFA and NAEGA have become aware this afternoon of critical tightness in feeding supplies for several livestock feeders in Mexico. We have also learned of grain trains in multiple states being held for shipment due to CBP’s embargo. The critical nature of this issue is growing by the hour, particularly for those livestock feeders that may run short of feed.
“We are deeply concerned by the developing situation and request that CBP work with us, the railroads and other federal partners to develop a common sense and expedient solution that reopens this critical mode of agricultural transportation for the U.S. and North American markets.”

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