Evolution Ag Summit Set for Feb. 20


(JAMESTOWN, N.D.) – North Dakota Farmers Union is set to host the Evolution Ag Summit: The Carbon Conundrum 2.0 on Feb. 20 in Jamestown. The one-day event is focused on soil carbon management and incentives for farmers and ranchers to implement carbon reduction practices on their farm or ranch.

“Efforts to reduce carbon emissions are impacting food and agricultural markets right now. It’s important for farmers and ranchers to understand how those initiatives could create new opportunities for their operations.,” said North Dakota Farmers Union President Mark Watne. “Our objective with the Evolution Ag Summit is to connect industry leaders with producers, so all have a deeper understanding of programs and carbon-reduction initiatives.”

Speakers at the event include representatives from ADM, CHS, the ethanol industry, NDSU, the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and more. Rob Sharkey, The SharkFarmer, will keynote the summit.

Discussion topics include “putting a price on carbon,” food and agribusiness perspectives on carbon sequestration, sustainability at the farm level, and incentives and opportunities for farmers and ranchers.

The event is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Farmers Union state office in Jamestown. Cost is $30 to attend. Prior to the summit, Farmers Union is hosting a free webinar titled “Carbon 101” on Feb. 12 at noon. To register for both events, go to ndfu.org/evolutionag.

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