Weekly Ethanol Production for 1/19/2024


Article courtesy of Renewable Fuels Association According to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association for the week ending January 19, ethanol production plunged 22.4% to 818,000 b/d, equivalent to 34.36 million gallons daily and chasing

A Conversation With Indigo Ag’s New CEO


Jesse Allen sits down with the incoming CEO of Indigo Ag, Dean Banks, to discuss his journey to the company and his vision for Indigo/sustainable agriculture moving forward. Learn more online by visiting https://www.indigoag.com.

Greater MW Auctioneers Championship Contest


The Greater Midwest Auctioneers Championship Contest will be held in Dickinson on Thursday, February 1st at Stockmen’s Livestock East. Twenty-five of the nation’s best auctioneers will compete for the title. Contestants will be coming from Ohio, Florida,

Some Republican Lawmakers Against Raising Reference Prices


Following calls by some groups to increase reference prices in the upcoming Farm Bill, Republican lawmakers stand in “strong opposition” to any potential increases. Republican Representatives Alex Mooney of West Virginia, along with Tennessee’s Andy Ogles, Brian

More Farm Bill Hurdles


New farm bill policy disagreements on top of spending bills and other fights are adding more hurdles to passing a farm bill this year. Senate Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) alluded to her proposal in a recent

ADM Investigating Chief Financial Officer


This week, ADM appointed an interim chief financial officer while the current CFO, Vikram Luthar, was placed on administrative leave. Luthar’s leave is pending an ongoing investigation conducted by outside counsel for ADM and the Board’s Audit