North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s Feedlot Tour will make stops near Dunn Center, Dickinson


The 22nd annual North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s (NDSA) Feedlot Tour will be June 18 at feedlots near Dunn Center, and Dickinson, N.D. The tour stops will include Ben Murphy’s Cowliseum (hoop barn) near Dunn Center and Jeff and Jaden Kuhn and families’ feedlot near Dickinson. The tour will depart from the Cenex C-Store in Richardton, N.D., at 10 a.m. MT and return there at approximately 4:30 p.m. MT.
Here’s a tour preview:
The Cowliseum near Dunn Center will be the first stop on the 2024 tour at 11 a.m. MT. Owned and operated by the Ben and Ashley Murphy family, this facility is comprised of a state-of-the-art hoop barn. This hoop barn is 70-feet wide and 392-feet long, was constructed in 2023 and is permitted for 600 head. The family backgrounds calves and calves cows in the barn. The hoop barn features a covered feed lane and indoor processing facility.
The final stop on the tour will be the Jeff and Jaden Kuhn Families’ Feedlot near Dickinson at 2:30 p.m. MT. This feedlot was constructed in 2022 and is permitted for 999 head. It features large pens, concrete heavy-use pads and a relocated bunkline with center-line feeding.
The NDSA Feedlot Tour, a project of the NDSA Feeder Council, will include a lunch at the Cowliseum. There is no cost to attend.
Pre-registration is not required, but is appreciated for planning purposes. To pre-register, contact NDSA Environmental Services Director Scott Ressler at (701) 223-2522 or

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