USGC Expanding Opportunities in Established Asian Markets


The U.S. Grains Council recently organized marketing conferences promoting U.S. corn fermented protein (CFP) and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in South Korea and Taiwan. Both countries are already important trade partners for U.S. agriculture but still have significant opportunities for growth in CFP and DDGS exports through increasing interest from the animal feed and aquaculture industries in the region.
“Taiwanese importers and U.S. producers enjoy a relationship resulting in billions of dollars in sales each year,” says USGC Taiwan Director Michael Lu. “The Council and its partners are working to find avenues to new buyers and introduce different uses to consumers to build an even stronger bond between the U.S. and Taiwanese industries.”
Opportunities continue developing in South Korea, one of the top seafood-consuming countries in the world, and its aquaculture industry is expanding to meet that demand. For more information about USGC’s work in Asia, go to

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