Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeAg NewsExport Inspections of Corn Decline

Export Inspections of Corn Decline

Inspections of U.S. corn for overseas delivery declined week to week while bean and wheat assessments improved.

Corn inspections during the week ending on May 23 fell to 1.08 million metric tons. USDA says that’s down from 1.23 million a week earlier and 1.35 million during the same week last year. Examinations of soybeans for export increased to 212,105 tons, up from just over 192,200 tons the previous week. However, that’s down from the 256,600 tons inspected during the same week last year. Wheat assessments jumped to 398,900 tons from 228,200 tons a week earlier and 391,000 tons during the same week in 2023.

Since the start of the marketing year, USDA has inspected 36.3 million metric tons of corn for offshore delivery. Soybean inspections totaled 40 million tons, while wheat examinations reached 18.3 million tons. The corn total is higher than last year, while soybeans and corn are lower.

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