NIETC Projects Concerning to Farmers and Ranchers


(COLUMBIA, MO)– Last month the US Department of Energy released ‘phase two’ of the proposed National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC), also referred to as “Net-see’s.” The plan would impact agricultural land and rural communities in more than a dozen US states. Farmers and ranchers are not happy with the uncertainty that these projects are bringing to the land and communities they call home.
We learn more in this special report from the Missouri Farm Bureau and Janet Adkison:

The comment period for phase two ends on Monday, June 24th. You can send comments to or go to for more information.
On Friday morning’s episode of Agriculture of America (AOA), Jesse Allen talked more about this issue with Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins. Listen to that interview below, starting at the 44:00 minute market of the show.


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