Corn and Soybean Ratings Fall Slightly Nationwide


(FARGO, ND) — With all the wet weather in the northwestern Corn Belt and the heat in the eastern and southern Corn Belt, it’s no surprise that condition ratings for corn and soybeans fell on this week’s USDA Crop Progress Report.
As of Sunday, June 23rd, USDA says that corn nationwide is 69% good to excellent which is down three points from last week. Seven percent of the corn crop is now rated in very poor to poor conditions. In Iowa, 77% of the crop is still rated good to excellent with the number at 62% in Illinois, 65% in Minnesota, 72% in South Dakota and North Dakota at 68%.
For soybeans, USDA says that 67% of the crop is in good to excellent condition which is down three points from last week. Soybean planting nationwide jumped four points to now stand at 97% complete as of Sunday. Key states such as Iowa show 74% of the crop as good to excellent, 59% is the number in Illinois. Nebraska soybeans were 79% good to excellent, Minnesota at 66%, South Dakota at 72% and North Dakota at 66%.

71% of the nation’s spring wheat crop was in good to excellent condition, down five points from last week but ahead of last year’s 50% G/E rating. North Dakota’s rating fell ten points and now stands at 72% good to excellent while South Dakota went up 10 points to 78%. Minnesota is 81% good to excellent as of Sunday.

Winter wheat harvest also moved along 13 points and now stands at 40% complete nationwide as of Sunday.

Read the full Crop Progress Report here:

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