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HomeRegional NewsNSM Study Shows Soymeal’s ‘True Value’

NSM Study Shows Soymeal’s ‘True Value’

MANKATO – Continually working to educate international customers about the benefits of purchasing northern-grown soy, Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) recently collaborated with two animal nutritionists – Lesley Nernberg of Lighthouse Agri-Solutions and Matthew Clark from FeedGuys Resources – to develop a feed formulation tool that illustrates the nutritional value and financial advantage of northern-grown soybeans. The formulation tool has been established and is now available for use to show soybean purchasers and end users of northern soybeans the enhanced quality profile and advantage in animal and aqua feeding programs.

“In recent feed formula simulations utilizing a broiler starter diet, in comparing soybean meal from South America (Brazil) vs. northern U.S. states (NSM), it was shown that an overall feed cost reduction of $4.30 per MT was possible,” Nernberg said. “There is some variation across the northern soy producing states, but a feed formulation advantage is possible through utilizing soybean meal from NSM member state. This advantage is possible due to the superior amino acid and energy profile of NSM soybean meal.”

The formulation tool also illustrates that the shadow pricing, or “true value” of NSM soymeal, is $16.84 over that of South American-derived soybean meal products. Also, in review of the nutrient content of the feed formulations, the crude protein of the broiler starters may be reduced while still maintaining the required amino acids for optimal broiler growth. This has various advantages to broiler production systems and can be a further method to show the effective value of NSM soybeans.

Summary of Financial Advantage of Northern USA Soybean Meal in Example Broiler Starter Diet 

Formula Cost ($) 439.57 434.91 434.06 439.58 432.32 435.66 435.27
Profit ($) 0.00 4.66 5.51 -0.02 7.25 3.91 4.30
Amount of SBM (%) 27.08 25.42 25.30 26.20 25.07 25.54 25.50
SBM True Value ($) 545 563.34 566.76 544.94 573.92 560.29 561.84
Advantage ($) 0.00 18.34 21.76 -0.06 28.92 15.29 16.84


NSM and its member states – North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin – are redefining soy quality by promoting the quality, consistency and reliability of northern-grown soybeans and soymeal. By working with respected researchers and animal nutritionists, NSM is providing a more accurate picture of soybean feeding quality. The recent formulation tool is another resource that confirms NSM’s claims and can be used by international purchasers to make buying decisions.

“Over the months ahead, more simulations and feed formulations will be examined to have current and up-to-date pricing and economic details to provide to soybean crushers and soybean meal buyers,” Nernberg said. “Going forward, the use of these formulation tools will be utilized as value added information to illustrate the value of NSM soy products to key end users in Southeast Asia and globally.”

About Northern Soy Marketing
Northern Soy Marketing, LLC is the farmer-leader board formed by the soybean checkoff boards of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin. The board invests grower checkoff funds to conduct research on soybean quality and Critical Amino Acid Value (CAAV) levels in northern-grown soybeans and funds outreach to buyers around the world.

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