No-Burn Nitrogen Solution for VT Corn with a 4:1 ROI


Adding nitrogen at VT can help maximize corn yield – but it can also pose the risk of crop burn. Super Nitro® from Huma® offers the solution growers need. Super Nitro® is a no-burn, carbon-based nitrogen source that can be tank-mixed with fungicides without extra application costs, eliminating the risk of burn and offering a 4:1 return on investment (ROI). 
Super Nitro® and the “4 Rs” of Nutrient Stewardship

    • Right Source: Super Nitro® is a carbon-based liquid nitrogen designed for foliar application, preventing leaf burn. Its patent Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) formulation ensures rapid absorption within one hour while optimizing nitrogen uptake.
    • Right Place: At the VT stage, corn shifts its nitrogen uptake from the roots to the nutrients stored in the plant. Foliar feeding with Super Nitro® provides additional nitrogen exactly when and where it’s needed the most.
    • Right Time: Corn plants use 35% of their total nitrogen needs at the critical VT stage, making it the perfect time to feed the crop. Due to its stable pH, Super Nitro® can be easily tank-mixed with fungicides during ground or aerial application.
  • Right Rate: Super Nitro® is 2-3 times more efficient than conventional nitrogen sources – one gallon of Super Nitro® is equivalent to 10 pounds of nitrogen – offering low application rates.

Benefits of Super Nitro®:

  • Compatibility: Safe to tank-mix with fungicides, micronutrients and other crop inputs due to its stable pH.
  • Unique Foliar Application: Efficiently delivers nitrogen through the leaves without burn.
  • High Nitrogen Content: One gallon is equivalent to 10 pounds of nitrogen, providing essential nutrients during crucial growth phases like VT.
  • Reduced Nitrogen Loss: Exceptional stability minimizes volatilization, ensuring more nitrogen is available for the crop.
  • Ease of Application: Can be applied in multiple ways, including aerial application, boom or with a pivot sprinkler. 
  • Excellent ROI: With low application rates and a 4:1 ROI, one gallon of Super Nitro® can net an additional $36 per acre – making it a profitable investment for farm operations.

Super Nitro® represents the future of crop nutrition by offering an efficient, safe and profitable late-season nitrogen solution for boosting corn yields. For more information, visit

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