The USDA says sales of corn to overseas buyers declined during the week ending on July 11 while wheat and soybean sales rose.
Corn sales for delivery in the 2023-2024 marketing year totaled 437,800 metric tons. That’s down 19 percent from the prior week and 10 percent from the previous four-week average. Japan was the top corn buyer at 191,200 metric tons. Sales for the next marketing year were reported at 485,700 tons. Exports jumped by 26 percent to 1.1 million tons.
Soybean sales rose 10 percent week to week to 228,100 metric tons. USDA says that’s down 29 percent from the average. Egypt was the biggest buyer at 92,000 tons. For the 2024-2025 marketing year, sales were reported at 507,000 tons. Wheat sales rose to 578,500 metric tons, more than double the previous week and up one percent from the average. South Korea bought the most at 119,000 tons.