Minnesota Biodiesel Council Thanks Rep. Craig for Standing Firm for Biofuels

The Minnesota Biodiesel Council is applauding Minnesota U.S. Representative Angie Craig (D-02) for leading a bipartisan letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encouraging more usage of biofuels in the U.S. The EPA is currently considering volume obligations for the 2026 Renewable Fuel Standard.
Co-authored by Iowa U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-02) and signed by 37 representatives from both parties, including Brad Finstad (R-01), Michelle Fischbach (R-07) and Pete Stauber (R-08) from Minnesota, the letter states that “increasing the production, availability, and use of advanced biofuels is crucial to meeting America’s decarbonization goals in the transportation sector and shoring up our domestic energy supply chains.”
“Rep. Craig has long been a supporter of biodiesel and our Minnesota farmers and has continually advocated for the recognition of the environmental benefits of our home-grown biofuels,” said Minnesota Biodiesel Council Executive Director Mike Youngerberg. “The Minnesota Biodiesel Council thanks her for her letter of support for biofuels to the EPA and all the work she’s done in the past.”
In addition to her efforts urging the EPA to reconsider the renewable volume obligations, Rep. Craig has advocated for Minnesota farmers by introducing legislation to support homegrown biofuels in sustainable aviation fuel, farmers’ mental health and rural broadband.
“These and many others over the years are clear indicators of her support for farmers and homegrown biofuels. We commend her for her actions in Congress,” said Youngerberg.
Minnesota, which became the first state in the nation to mandate the use of biodiesel in 2002, produces 85 million gallons of biodiesel annually. By using a B20 blend in the summer and B5 in the winter, it equates to removing the emissions from nearly a quarter-million vehicles from Minnesota roadways every year.
About Minnesota Biodiesel Council 
The Minnesota Biodiesel Council is a 501c(6) organization which represents Minnesota’s biodiesel producers and feedstock producers for the purpose of educating the industry, as well as consumers, about the production and use of biodiesel in Minnesota.

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