Growth Energy Welcomes Bipartisan Push for Swift Action on 45Z


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Growth Energy today praised a bipartisan letter from 52 House and Senate lawmakers, led by Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), calling for “effective, timely, and scientific implementation” of the Section 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit by the U.S.

Over 500 Groups Unite to Call for a New Farm Bill


Programs that benefit every family in America are too important to put off any longer. That’s the message from the American Farm Bureau and more than 500 other groups that sent a letter to Congressional leaders calling

How Farmers Adjust Spending During Low Commodity Prices


History does repeat itself, especially in agricultural cycles. Rabobank put together a report on how farmers adjust input spending when commodity prices drop. It explores the responsiveness of input volume and price to farm profitability in America,

New Education Platform Launches for Angus Juniors


A new online learning platform called BEEF Academy was launched this month for members of the National Junior Angus Association. In the future, the platform will even be available to other young people interested in learning more