Growth Energy Writes More Than Half of Fourth-Round HBIIP Grant Applications


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Growth Energy—the leading voice of America’s biofuel industry—celebrated another round of applications for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP), writing more than half of all applications submitted by site count.
During the fourth round, Growth Energy wrote 64 percent of applications, including applications for 43 retailers servicing over 300 stores. This effort could result in more than 900 new E15 dispensers, nearly 400 new E85 dispensers, and over 500 new dispensers for biodiesel blends.
“Helping our retail partners to expand access to affordable, earth-friendly options at the pump is a core part of our mission at Growth Energy,” said CEO Emily Skor. “As consumer demand for higher biofuel blends like E15 continues to soar, our market development team is proud to have supported more than half of all Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program applications this round.”
Since USDA opened the process in 2022, Growth Energy has helped a total of 100 retailers comprising over 800 stores file grant applications.
USDA will offer one more round of funding opportunities this year with an option for a contingency round if there are leftover funds. Retailers interested in learning more or in getting help with higher blends infrastructure grants are encouraged to contact Growth Energy’s Market Development team at Retailers can learn more about Growth Energy at the Retailer and Supplier Hub.

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