Members of the National Junior Hereford Association attended the 2024 Faces of Leadership Conference in Fort Worth, Texas, in late July. The Faces of Leadership conference is designed to help NJHA members hone communications, team-building, and other skills essential to becoming effective leaders. This year, 115 members from 25 states attended the event.
“Good leaders know how to lead themselves first,” says NJHA vice chairman Haley Mouser. “The hat you should never take off in your life is living every day with a purpose.” Participants had several learning opportunities, including livestock handling and processing, presented by the Texas Christian University Ranch Management Program.
“Faces of Leadership is a tool to not only build leaders but to get these young people started on a successful career path,” says Amy Cowan, director of youth activities for the American Hereford Association. “We hope they stay in agriculture but want to help them be successful.”