Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Awards Additional Grants for Crossing Safety Public Awareness Campaigns in 12 States


WASHINGTON, DC, Sept. 12, 2024 – Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), today announced $200,000 in competitive crossing safety awareness grants to Operation Lifesaver programs in 12 states.
The FHWA-funded grants will be awarded to Operation Lifesaver organizations in AlabamaArizonaKansasLouisiana, Maryland, MississippiNebraskaNew JerseyNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOregon and South Dakota. The grants will be used for a variety of crossing safety public education projects, in-person events and ad campaigns beginning this month and extending through the first quarter of 2025.
“Congratulations to the recipients of this second round of 2024 Crossing Safety Public Awareness Grants for their innovative and impactful projects, which will expand rail safety education efforts in their states,” said OLI Executive Director Rachel Maleh. “With a total of 22 states awarded OLI competitive crossing safety awareness grants in 2024, our vital partnership with FHWA is making a significant difference in rail safety education across the nation.”
Maleh continued, “I encourage everyone to engage with OLI on social media, schedule a free rail safety presentation and explore oli.org for more resources. Together, we can #STOPTrackTragedies and save lives.”
Projects funded by the FHWA grants include:

  • Alabama Operation Lifesaver will conduct a multifaceted railroad crossing safety education effort, to include digital ads in the top 10 cities for rail traffic and incidents, meetings with city officials and a statewide social media campaign targeting farm audiences during See Tracks? Think Train® Week, Sept. 23-29, along with distributing brochures to farm co-ops and supply stores during the cotton harvest.
  • Arizona Operation Lifesaver will raise awareness among drivers traveling into Phoenix with a digital billboard campaign from September 2024 through March 2025, including during the state fair in September and October. Arizona OL will also participate in the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety’s Public Safety Days in October.
  • Kansas Operation Lifesaver will raise awareness of the importance of making safe choices around tracks and trains for drivers and pedestrians in Wichita through partnerships with the Great Plains Transportation Museum and Intrust Bank Arena as well as events celebrating the organization’s 50th anniversary. The campaign will include messaging on a large digital sign in the arena, new paint and signage on museum railcars, a press conference and ribbon cutting event for the museum display with a free concert and free admission.
  • Louisiana Operation Lifesaver will launch statewide radio ads targeting sugar cane-producing and forestry areas, digital ads in an online agricultural newsletter, audio ads on a twice-weekly sports podcast for Louisiana State University fans and social media ads during See Tracks? Think Train® Week. Additionally, Louisiana Operation Lifesaver will host in-person rail safety education presentations in high traffic areas across the state.
  • Maryland Operation Lifesaver will conduct in-person activities, social media outreach and advertising at targeted commuter rail stations in the state to raise awareness about rail safety education. The campaign includes signage, audio messaging, social media ads, station pop-up events, posters, banners, safety brochures with mailed tickets, public safety announcements in English and Spanish, FM radio PSAs, wrapped ticket vending machines and event giveaways.
  • Mississippi Operation Lifesaver’s project will highlight rail safety education as Amtrak passenger train service plans to return to the Gulf Coast later this year after a hiatus of nearly two decades. The campaign, which will feature community events, encompasses audio ads, local display ads with geofencing, website retargeting, social media ads, and streaming service ads running in Sept. 2024.
  • Nebraska Operation Lifesaver will conduct outreach to 100 public libraries in rural areas with rail safety education materials, events and presentations, encourage law enforcement participation for Operation Clear Track, held during See Tracks? Think Train® Week as well as launching a billboard and radio ad campaign in targeted communities.
  • New Jersey Operation Lifesaver’s rail safety education campaign will include awareness events, along with streaming video PSA advertising in the high-incident areas of Bergen and Middlesex counties during See Tracks? Think Train® Week in September. In addition, large magnetic decals with the See Tracks? Think Train!® message will be displayed on local short line railroad equipment in Raritan and Middlesex counties.
  • North Carolina Operation Lifesaver will partner with the NC High School Athletic Association and the NC Independent School Athletic Association to provide rail safety messaging reaching 536 schools across the state starting in September, including during See Tracks? Think Train® Week. The campaign includes video ads played during streamed athletic events, social media messaging, newsletter mentions, website recognition, event sponsorships, in-person exhibits and speaking opportunities as well as other branding efforts.
  • In North Dakota, OL of the Dakotas will leverage partnerships and conduct a digital marketing campaign targeting new drivers, pedestrians, bus drivers and farm equipment operators for rail safety education presentations, along with outreach to unhoused populations to distribute safety information and clothing items with safety messaging. Law enforcement partners will participate in positive enforcement events during See Tracks? Think Train® Week. The marketing campaign includes social media, geofencing, print and radio ads and digital billboards.
  • Oregon Operation Lifesaver will conduct in-person rail safety education outreach and run a targeted digital display ad and geofencing campaign to reach drivers and commuters in the Portland area during September, including See Tracks? Think Train® Week.
  • In South Dakota, OL of the Dakotas will focus on partnerships and launch a digital marketing campaign targeting new drivers, pedestrians, farm equipment operators and bus drivers in major cities in the Black Hills area and the eastern half of the state. Law enforcement partners will participate in positive enforcement events during See Tracks? Think Train® Week. The marketing campaign includes social media, geofencing, print and radio ads and digital billboards.

The approved grants were awarded through a competitive process, with selection based on criteria such as the defined safety need, project and evaluation plan as well as how the proposal leverages federal funds with private partnerships.

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