Senator Marshall Joins Bipartisan Bill that Adds More Oversight to Protect American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries

Washington, D.C. – Senator Marshall joined a group of bi-partisan Senators introducing the Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024. This legislation would add the Secretary of Agriculture to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United
As Congress Returns to Work, Ag Groups Apply Pressure to Get a New Farm Bill Done

(WASHINGTON D.C.)– This week, over 300 farm and ranch groups sent a letter to House and Senate leaders calling for Congress to pass a new five year Farm Bill. Along with that, a coordinated effort among multiple
Farm Action’s Comprehensive Report Reveals Monopolistic Corporate Control Over America’s Food and Agriculture System

MEXICO, M.O. — Today, Farm Action published a comprehensive report providing definitive evidence of corporate control over who gets to farm, how they farm, what food gets produced and sold in this country, and how much consumers
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Awards Additional Grants for Crossing Safety Public Awareness Campaigns in 12 States

WASHINGTON, DC, Sept. 12, 2024 – Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), today announced $200,000 in competitive crossing safety awareness grants to Operation Lifesaver programs in 12 states. The FHWA-funded grants will be awarded
AgroLiquid Strengthens Industry Partnerships to Enhance Crop Nutrition

St. Johns, Mich. – As the agricultural industry faces increasing demands for efficiency and sustainability, AgroLiquid is intensifying its collaborations with industry leaders to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in crop nutrition. By partnering with
Baldwin Leads Bipartisan Group Calling on Biden Administration to Protect Dairy Industry from Plant-Based Imitators

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has led a bipartisan group of colleagues in calling on the Biden administration to protect America’s dairy industry and ensure that plant-based imitation products are not equated in upcoming
Low South American River Levels Hindering Crop Shipments

While it’s not catastrophic in terms of South American export levels, rivers have reached low enough levels to hinder shipments of grain and oilseeds. The University of Illinois Farm Policy News says South America is not in
House Passes Bill to Protect U.S. Farmland

The House of Representatives passed the “Protecting U.S. Farmland from Foreign Adversaries Act” on Wednesday. Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Mike Braun (R-IN) introduced a companion bill in the Senate. The legislation would increase scrutiny of foreign
AFB Slams Biden EPA, Army Corps Post-Sackett WOTUS Enforcement

The American Farm Bureau, as lead for a multi-industry coalition, accused the Biden EPA and Army Corps of secretly violating the Supreme Court’s Waters of the U.S. ruling in Sackett vs. the EPA. AFB’s Courtney Briggs chairs