RAAA Honors Top-Performing Cattle with Grid Master Awards


DENVER—The Red Angus Association of America honored the producers and feeders who produced the top-performing cattle of 2024 with the prestigious Grid Master Awards at the 71st Annual National Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska. This award is given to operations that skillfully combined quality Red Angus genetics with strategic feeding and marketing efforts to produce superior carcasses.

To qualify for the Grid Master Award, recipients must enroll Red Angus or Red Angus-influenced cattle in RAAA’s Feeder Calf Certification Program or Allied Access and meet a defined standard of carcass excellence. The program accepts both conventionally and naturally fed cattle, provided they meet specific standards.

Qualifying cattle must be marketed in lots of at least 30 head and achieve a minimum of 90% Choice and Prime, with a maximum of 15% reaching Yield Grade 4 and a maximum of 10% reaching Yield Grade 5. The minimum average carcass weight is 800 lb. for steers and 750 lb. for heifers.

The operations crowned Grid Master for the conventionally fed division included:

  • Hueftle Cattle Company, owned & operated by Neil and Anita Hueftle of Cozad, Nebraska, home fed
  • Holton Cattle Company, owned & operated by Paul and Ginger Holto of Cisco, Texas, fed at Adams Land and Cattle, Broken Bow, Nebraska,
  • Schuler-Olsen Ranches, Inc., Butch and Susan Schuler of Bridgeport, Nebraska, home fed

The operations awarded Grid Master for the naturally fed division included:

  • Spreutels Farms of Koshkonong, Missouri, home fed
  • A2 Operations owned & operated by Alec & Kaley Oliver of Seneca, Oregon, fed at Beef Northwest
  • Delong Ranches of Winnemuca, Nevada, fed at Five Rivers North

“This year’s Grid Master award recipients have demonstrated that Red Angus genetics can excel at the highest level in both the feedlot and packer sectors,” RAAA commercial marketing specialist Josh Taylor said. “The results clearly show a measurable improvement in genetic selection to enhance performance and carcass weights, while maintaining yield grades and preserving the essential maternal traits the Red Angus breed is known for.”

For more information about the Grid Master Award program, Red-Angus specific marketing grids or the FCCP, please contact Josh Taylor at josh@redangus.org. Visit redangus.org to learn more about marketing options for your Red Angus-influenced cattle.

The Red Angus Association of America serves the beef industry by enhancing and promoting the measurable advantages of Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle. RAAA provides commercial producers with objectively described cattle by implementing new technologies and using scientifically sound principles that quantify traits of economic importance to beef producers in all segments of the beef industry. For more information, visit www.RedAngus.org.

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