Nitrogen Fertilizer for Soybeans Offers Limited Yield Benefits, Study Says


URBANA, Ill. — In a recent study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, researchers tested whether modern high-yielding soybeans benefit from nitrogen fertilizer, with results suggesting additions are largely unnecessary. Soybeans form a natural partnership with bacteria that colonize the plant’s roots.

Growth Energy Welcomes Bipartisan Push for 45Z Extension


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, Growth Energy praised the introduction of new legislation that would extend the 45Z clean fuels credit, which is currently slated to expire at the end of 2027. The bipartisan bill, the Farmer First Fuel Incentives Act, is

USMEF Statement on Colombia Fully Reopening to U.S. Beef


With the Colombian government recently lifting its ban on U.S. beef originating from states in which H5N1 was detected in dairy cows, the Export Library for Colombia has been updated to reflect restored access for beef from 14 states. U.S.

NDFB Photo Contest Winners Announced


Bismarck, N.D. – NDFB’s Promotion and Education Committee has announced the 2024 NDFB agriculture photo contest winners. The contest featured three categories: Landscape, Animals, and Lifestyle. Each winner will receive $300. Jim Bondly from Bottineau, N.D. won the

PLC Honors Awardees from NV and WY During 56th Annual Meeting


WASHINGTON (September 24, 2024) – During their 56th Annual Meeting, the Public Lands Council (PLC) honored two individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the public lands ranching community. PLC selected Nevada Agriculture Director and federal grazing permittee