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HomeIndustry NewsA Successful Wheat Crop Depends on Planting the Right Variety

A Successful Wheat Crop Depends on Planting the Right Variety

ST. LOUIS (September 9, 2024) — The first step to a successful crop is selecting the  right variety to plant, and WestBred® Wheat offers a set of solid-performing varieties that land at the top of the National Wheat Yield Contest and regional yield trials year in and year out. 

Growers are encouraged to seize the season by planting proven, consistent performing varieties designed with the agronomic traits growers in each region need  to be successful and offering grain quality that end users desire. 

Central Plains Region 

“Central Plains growers looking for proven high-yield potential genetics with strong  disease and insect tolerances should consider the WestBred Winter Wheat variety  lineup first when making decisions,” said Mark Lubbers, WestBred technical product  manager. “Each of these varieties can set the table for a successful season when  planted in the right situation.” 

  • WB4401 is a medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent yield potential and a very good disease tolerance package, including good Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) tolerance and very good Hessian fly  tolerance. 
  • WB4422 is a medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent  drought tolerance and winter hardiness, offering high yield potential and  protein content in broadly adapted genetics.  
  • WB4792 is a medium- to late-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent  yield potential, a very good disease tolerance package and good grazing  potential that performs well under drought stress.
  • WB4595 is a medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat with broad adaptability and excellent yield potential and test weight that has performed well under harsh growing conditions.

Southern Region 

“WestBred Wheat offers outstanding varieties for planting in the high-yield  environments of the Southern Region, bred with solid disease and insect tolerances and for excellent standability,” said Lubbers. “Growers farming west of I-35 have an  outstanding selection of proven-performing dryland varieties with disease, insect and  herbicide tolerance to help with management.” 

  • WB4422 is a consistent-performing medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat  that is broadly adapted across the Plains from east to west and north to south  with excellent yield potential, good drought tolerance and excellent  standability. 
  • WB4401 is a medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat adapted for the  central and eastern portions of the southern Plains, offering excellent yield  potential, a very good disease tolerance package with excellent Fusarium Head  Blight (Scab) tolerance and good grazing potential. 
  • WB4792 is a medium- to late-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat for the  western portion of the southern Plains that offers excellent yield potential in  low- and high-yield environments, contains a good disease tolerance package, and is a top-performing variety in the WestBred product lineup and a Texas  A&M University top varieties pick. 
  • WB4739AX is a Hard Red Winter Wheat variety with the CoAXium® Herbicide  trait for grass weed control that offers very good yield potential, drought  tolerance and test weight as well as solid fall grazing potential. 

Northwest Region 

“For growers in the Northwest needing Soft White Winter with excellent grain quality  desired by end users, coupled with good yield potential and disease tolerance  packages, WestBred Wheat has the right variety,” said Justin Berg, WestBred technical  product manager. “In the Hard Red Winter category, our varieties are top-end  performers in yield potential, test weight and grain quality with solid disease  tolerances.”  

  • WB1621 is a mid-to-late-maturity awnless Soft White Winter Wheat for dual purpose forage and grain use that was rated most desirable in the 2024 

Preferred Wheat Varieties* report and offers high yield potential and moderate  resistance to (Stripe) Rust. 

  • WB4640 is a Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent yield potential and  standability that provides excellent test weight, protein content, and milling  and baking quality and offers very good Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) tolerance.
  • WB4401 is a medium-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent yield potential and a very good disease tolerance package, including very good Hessian fly tolerance and good Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) tolerance. 
  • KELDIN, a perennial winner in the National Wheat Yield Contest, is a broadly  adapted medium- to late-maturity Hard Red Winter Wheat, offering high yield  potential in both irrigated and dryland fields with excellent Powdery Mildew  tolerance and baking quality. 


“Montana growers have solid varieties to choose from that offer strong yield potential,  good straw strength and winter hardiness,” said Berg. “Herbicide and disease  tolerances in these varieties make these solid planting choices.” 

  • WB4727 is a Hard Red Winter Wheat with excellent yield potential along with  excellent standability and very good winter hardiness, test weight and protein  content. 
  • WB4733CLP is a Hard Red Winter Clearfield® Plus Wheat with excellent  standability and wheat stem sawfly and Yellow (Stripe) Rust tolerance. 


Solid, proven fall-planted Spring Wheat performers to help growers make the most of  every acre. 

  • WB9990 is a late-maturity awnless Hard Red Spring Wheat for dual-purpose  forage and grain use with excellent test weight and Yellow (Stripe) Rust and  Leaf Rust tolerance. 
  • WB9727 is a medium- to late-maturity Hard Red Spring Wheat with excellent  yield potential and very good protein content that is well-adapted for  

California’s Sacramento Valley and has excellent milling and baking quality.

  • PACHECO is a late-maturity Triticale variety with excellent yield potential and  test weight and an excellent disease tolerance package and demonstrates good  resistance to lodging. 

About WestBred 

WestBred Wheat provides seed suppliers and their growers access to a high-yield  potential wheat seed as well as testing, education, resources and experienced  representatives to help maximize their yield potential. 

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