NCBA Responds to Misguided White House Ag Event With Activists


WASHINGTON (October 8, 2024) – Today, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane responded to the agriculture event hosted today at the White House: “Real cattle producers have faced two hurricanes in two

Resources Available for Producers Impacted by Wildfires


(Watford City, ND) — Officials say agricultural-related losses from the North Dakota wildfires are “significant.” At a Monday news conference, North Dakota Agricultural Commissioner Doug Goehring said there are some people who have lost almost everything and

The National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest is Open


The National Sorghum Yield Contest showcases the top yields across the nation. In 1985, there were over 18 million acres of grain sorghum planted in the U.S. The National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest was started to increase

NACD Launches Grant Application Period


The National Association of Conservation District announced the launch of its application period for the 2025 Friends of NACD District Grants Program. This year, NACD and Scotts Miracle-Gro are partnering to award the 2025 Friends of NACD

Lambing School Set for November


The American Sheep Industry Association’s Young and Emerging Entrepreneurs are planning an in-person lambing school on November 23 at the Codington County Extension Complex in Watertown, South Dakota. The one-day lambing school will focus on the preparation

Middle East Conflict Affecting Fertilizer Markets


Farmdoc from the University of Illinois says the ag sector is closely watching the fertilizer markets this week because of the ongoing war in the Middle East. Following months of tight supplies, global nitrogen values started rising