(NASHVILLE, TN) — It appears that E-15 gasoline could soon be on its way to gas stations across the state of California; the only remaining state in the U.S. that does not currently allow sales of the low carbon, lower cost fuel.
On Friday, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a directive to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to expedite measures that could lead to lower gas prices without compromising environmental protections. This directive includes studying “how California could increase ethanol blending in gasoline (E15), which studies have shown could reduce prices while maintaining environmental protections.”
Biofuels group shared their reactions on Friday including Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association. “We thank Gov. Newsom for voicing his support to approve E15, which can lower fuel costs for California families while helping to decarbonize the state’s light-duty vehicles,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “We stand ready to assist the governor’s office and state to complete the approval process and permit the sale of this more affordable and environmentally-beneficial fuel option, which Americans have already relied on to travel 120 billion miles.”
“We sincerely appreciate Gov. Newsom’s efforts to accelerate the approval of the cleaner, greener E15 fuel blend in California,” said Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Not only does E15 reduce greenhouse gas emissions and harmful tailpipe pollution, but it also delivers significant savings at the pump. Allowing the sale of E15 would provide economic relief to California families, while at the same time providing important environmental benefits.”
In a news release, related to Governor Newsom’s letter to CARB on Friday, he said in part that “There’s massive potential for this to be a win-win for Californians: lowering gas prices by up to twenty cents per gallon while keeping our air clean. It builds on our efforts to keep gas prices low by holding Big Oil accountable and helping prevent price spikes at the pump.”
Governor Newsom cited in that same release a study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley and the United States Naval Academy, that says a move to allow E-15 sales in the state could lower gas prices by up to $0.20 per gallon and save Californians as much as $2.7 billion annually, but also would require strategic considerations regarding market structure and infrastructure modifications.
View the full news release from Governor Newsom here: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2024/10/25/governor-newsom-urges-accelerated-action-on-new-gas-blend-to-lower-prices/