Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Home2024 NAFB ConventionPioneer Seeds Plants Successful 2024 Harvest

Pioneer Seeds Plants Successful 2024 Harvest

We visit with Pioneer Seeds at the NAFB Convention in Kansas City, MO. Here’s that conversation with Brandon Walter.

Q: Let’s wrap it up for 2024 harvest. I know last time you and I talked at Farm Progress show, we were trying to get to the tail end and to the finish line.

What are some of the harvest results you’ve heard from across the Midwest and more when it comes to Pioneer brand products?

BW: I think this summer it was a variable season across the way, but I mean overall really great performance that I think a lot of farmers are seeing across their corn acres.

From a Pioneer perspective, honestly, I’d say it’s probably one of the best years we’ve ever had with Pioneer performance across the US. What’s crazy is as you think about just from where we’ve been and where we are today, our top 40 highest volume products for 2025, we’re averaging a 10.4 bushel advantage over our competitors across 18,000 different comparisons. So needless to say, the performance and the breadth of our portfolio is being recognized by farmers here this harvest.

Q: Looking at some of the lessons we learned from 2024, we can apply those as we start making decisions for 2025 and whether we had disease pressures, corn rootworm, tar spot, whatever the case is. I know that growers could really get down to that zip code number, so to speak, in their corn and make better decisions for next year, right?

BW: Yeah, absolutely. Like you mentioned, we have our new 5 digit zip code hybrids which are coming in our Vorceed Enlist and PowerCore Enlist technology.

So we’re really excited about that, because not only are we bringing again that yield, but also really good insect protection as well as more herbicide flexibility for our farmers for the ‘25 season.

Q: Thinking about this right now, this is that key time. A lot of growers are not happy with commodity prices. Inputs are high. So they’re really, really taking a fine tooth comb, so to speak, to their decisions. From that perspective, why should they be thinking about Pioneer products next year?

BW: When you think about lower commodity prices like this, it’s easy to say, how do I reduce my cost of inputs? There’s many areas to do that.

But I think one thing that’s clearer than any is that bushels are going to matter as we head into the ‘25 season. So having a product that can provide that consistency, give you that performance, give you some of those additional insurance policies as we think about strong plant health for diseases like tar spot, grey leaf spot, better stock quality at harvest, those things are going to matter as we head into ‘25. And again, I think what we’re seeing from farmers is that the Pioneer products that were out in the field in ‘24 are delivering and I think gives people a lot of excitement to trust us as we head into the ‘25 season.

Our local Pioneer sales representatives know more about that farmer’s geography than anyone else. So go talk to that local Pioneer rep or go visit pioneer.com to learn more about our products for 2025 season.

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