New Poll Indicates Strong Bipartisan Support for E15


Recent nationwide polling conducted by Morning Consult for the Renewable Fuels Association shows that 69 percent of registered voters support increasing the availability of E15 (gasoline with 15 percent ethanol) to help lower fuel prices and support

USDEC Receives $9.7 Million in Second Round of RAPP Funding


ARLINGTON, VA – The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) received $9.7 million in the second round of Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), adding to the $10 million granted in the first

Legislator and Farmers Do Not Agree on Tax Reform Idea


By Lura Roti Tax reform was the focus of a panel discussion held during the 109th South Dakota Farmers Union State Convention. And although panelists, farmers and ranchers did not all agree on the type of change, most

Funding Available to Help Farmers Finance New Cooperatives


St. Paul, MN: The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is now accepting applications for funding to support the development of agricultural cooperatives in the state. The Cooperative Development Grant Program is designed to help new cooperatives looking

America’s Grain and Feed Industry Praises WRDA Passage


ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 19, 2024 – The U.S. Senate yesterday approved the biennial Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA) by a vote of 97-1. WRDA funds crucial water-related infrastructure projects nationwide under the

Iowa Farm Bureau Launches Ag Market Outlook Meeting Series


WEST DES MOINES, Iowa—Dec. 18, 2024— With farm incomes down nearly 25% since 2022, Iowa farmers are feeling the strain of market volatility. To help them prepare for the challenges ahead, Iowa Farm Bureau, in collaboration with