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Bar-Raising Performance Potential Highlights the New Deltapine® Brand Class of ’25 Cotton Varieties

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Dec. 14, 2024) — With the launch of the Class of ’25 today, the Deltapine® brand is again raising the performance potential in cotton varieties across trait platforms with four new grower-proven varieties.  

Announced at the annual New Product Evaluator (NPE) Summit, held this year in Nashville,  Tennessee, the Class of ’25 includes two Bollgard® 3 ThryvOn® cotton with XtendFlex® Technology (B3TXF) varieties and two Bollgard® 3 with XtendFlex® Technology (B3XF) varieties. These four varieties mark the 110th year of the Deltapine cotton breeding program that will be  celebrated in 2025. 

“This is an outstanding class of new cotton varieties that have the potential to raise yield  expectations, according to feedback from NPE growers,” said Eric Best, Deltapine cotton product manager. “DP 2537 B3TXF could be a step change up in yield potential in B3TXF cotton varieties,  and DP 2541 B3XF, when planted in moderate to high irrigation fields in the Southern High Plains  of Texas, has the potential to produce excellent yields. We brought another nematode-resistant  B3TXF variety to market and more products with bacterial blight resistance.” 

More than 140 growers from across the Cotton Belt attended the 2024 Deltapine NPE Summit in Nashville, TN.
Listen to conversations with Eric Best, Deltapine Cotton Product Manager (top) and Jay Mahaffey, Research Manager, Bayer Scott Learning Center (bottom) below:

Bollgard 3 ThryvOn Cotton With XtendFlex Technology Varieties 

  • DP 2537 B3TXF (evaluated as 23R9143B3TXF) is a mid-full maturity variety that shows  excellent strength of terminal and has an open canopy. This variety demonstrated outstanding yield potential in the 2024 NPE plots and will be the latest maturing B3TXF product in the Deltapine lineup targeted to the lower Mid-South and upper Southeast markets. More than 60% of Mid-South NPE growers and 85% of Southeast NPE growers  who evaluated this product approved its performance and rated it as likely to purchase and  plant. 
  • DP 2522NR B3TXF (evaluated as 23R9822B3TXF) is an early-mid maturity variety  offering resistance to both reniform nematodes and bacterial blight. In 2024 NPE plots, this  variety demonstrated stable yield performance potential on reniform nematode-infested  fields across its targeted markets of the Coastal Bend of South Texas, the lower Mid-South  and the Southeast. Of the NPE growers who evaluated this product, 60% approved its  performance and rated it as likely to purchase and plant.

Bollgard 3 With XtendFlex Technology Varieties 

  • DP 2525 B3XF (evaluated as 23R8027B3XF) is an early-mid maturity variety resistant to  bacterial blight and moderately tolerant to Verticillium wilt for the Northern High Plains of  Texas. In 2024 NPE plots, this variety demonstrated yield performance on par with DP  1822 XF and DP 1820 B3XF and the potential to produce improved fiber quality. Of the  NPE growers who evaluated this product, more than 85% approved its performance and  rated it as likely to purchase and plant. 
  • DP 2541 B3XF (evaluated as 23R8041B3XF) is a mid-full maturity variety that is resistant  to bacterial blight and moderately tolerant to Verticillium wilt. In 2024 NPE plots, this  variety demonstrated improved yield performance in the higher-yielding environments of  the Southern High Plains of Texas over DP 1646 B2XF and DP 2335 B3XF. Of the NPE  growers who evaluated this product, 60% approved its performance and rated it as likely to  purchase and plant. 

“What we saw in these four varieties was stable, high-end performance relative to growing  conditions,” said Best. “NPE plot data came in from across the Belt, with some managed through  very tough growing conditions and some hurt at harvest by rainfall. Others were grown and  evaluated in normal to good growing conditions, all of it providing a solid look at the performance potential of these products across a range of conditions. These four products have what it takes to  be in the Deltapine product lineup for 2025.” 

The Deltapine Class of ’25 varieties were planted and evaluated by NPE growers who, for 17  seasons, have provided feedback and final harvest results that help determine which varieties  have the performance potential for commercialization. 

“We have to hand it to the NPE growers, some of whom had very tough growing and harvest  conditions this season, but they hung in there and delivered the evaluations and the data,” said  Best. “Their dedication to this program is what makes it successful and is what helps Deltapine  put new genetics with improved performance potential and traits in the hands of growers. The truest test of a product is to let growers evaluate it, and that is the foundation of the Deltapine  NPE Program.” 

More than 140 NPE cotton growers and their spouses from across the Cotton Belt attended the  2024 Deltapine NPE Summit to hear the latest information on variety performance and seed and  trait technology, and to celebrate 110 years of Deltapine cotton breeding. For more information about the Deltapine NPE Program, visit

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