LUBBOCK, Texas — National Sorghum Producers is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 National Sorghum Yield Contest, including Bin Buster awardee Kenny Rathjen of K&M Farms from Dallam County, Texas, securing the contest’s highest 2024 yield at 240.01 bushels per acre.
“On behalf of the National Sorghum Producers, I am incredibly proud to congratulate our 2024 yield contest winners,” NSP Board of Directors Chair Amy France said. “These outstanding results highlight the resilience and innovation of sorghum farmers across the country. From Texas to New Jersey and in between, the achievements of these growers continue to inspire and set a high standard for our industry. We look forward to honoring this year’s winners at the 2025 Commodity Classic.”
Noteworthy yields are spotlighted across three distinct divisions spanning from the eastern to western U.S. regions, along with an overarching food grade champion. In the 2024 National Sorghum Yield Contest, first place honors go to:
- K&M Farms from Dallam County, Texas, in the Irrigated Western division, achieving a yield of 240.01 bushels per acre – Pioneer 85P75;
- Chris Santini from Warren County, New Jersey, in the Irrigated Eastern division, achieving a yield of 190.35 bushels per acre – Pioneer 85P58;
- Stewart Family Farms LLC from Washington County, Kansas, in the Dryland Tillage Western division, achieving a yield of 183.05 bushels per acre – Pioneer 84G62;
- Jeffrey Barlieb from Warren County, New Jersey, in the Dryland Tillage Eastern division, achieving a yield of 225.18 bushels per acre – Pioneer 85P58;
- Dylan Knoll from Charles Mix, South Dakota, in the Dryland No-Till Western division, achieving a yield of 192.05 bushels per acre – Pioneer 88P71;
- Billy H Bowers Farm Trust from Davidson County, North Carolina, in the Dryland No-Till Eastern division, achieving a yield of 209.73 bushels per acre – Pioneer 84G62;
- and JnL Farms from Appanoose County, Iowa, securing victory in the Food Grade division with a yield of 158.94 bushels per acre – Richardson G37.
“These yields are a reminder of the vital role sorghum plays in a sustainable agricultural landscape,” France added. “It’s exciting to see how innovation and perseverance continue to unlock new possibilities for this versatile crop.”
The national and state winners will receive further recognition in March 2025 during the Commodity Classic in Denver.
Joel Spring, JnL Farms, of Appanoose County, Iowa, will also be recognized and inducted into the sorghum yield contest Hall of Fame for having won three national titles in the Food Grade division.
For a comprehensive rundown of National Sorghum Yield Contest’s national, state and county outcomes, or to learn more about the contest, please visit