At the NAFB Convention we are joined by Lance Ruppert, Manager of Strategic Markets with Growmark.
Q: Let’s start with Endure Carbon. I know this is Growmark’s sustainability initiative. Give folks a little bit of background here on Endure Carbon.
LR: Yeah, so we’ve been watching the carbon space for three plus years. And as it’s evolving, right, we’re initially very focused on the offset market. But in the last year, inset markets, where the carbon assets kind of traded with the grain, seemed to be the next frontier. Offset markets have kind of solidified themselves, settled down a little bit, but insets seem to be the next one.
So trying to develop carbon markets in the grain space with feed companies or food companies and then biofuels is oa big one because we have agronomy and grain. It’s a nice connection and hopefully we can kind of be that middleman between the buyers on one side and the farmers that are creating these assets.
Q: Well, I think about this, and you mentioned offset markets, inset markets, etc. And just kind of figuring out this whole carbon picture. I mentioned this before we went on the air: It’s been a little bit of like the Wild West as ag companies and farmers and ranchers try to figure out what does this look like, what does it mean to capture carbon, how do these carbon markets work, etc. There’s just been a lot of questions, but I’d say programs like this with Endure Carbon, they’re getting more defined, right?
LR: The inset markets are still in development. Food companies are trying to figure out where they fit, what they want to spend on it, how much they can fuels markets. We still got to get 45z guidance from the government so that’ll come. But hopefully I think the ag community needs these programs for another revenue stream and to help the ag economies.
But it’s becoming a little more clear, there’s more interest, and hopefully we can simplify that. Our goal with our system, with our growers is to help them kind of maximize that carbon asset if they want to participate on with every crop, every acre and every year. Because most of the inset programs to date are corn based. So if we can allow growers to be able to play in those markets but also still use the offset market when they’re growing soybeans to maximize that carbon practice and asset every year we think is important for those growers.
So that’s kind of our goal and hopefully we can bring good practical advisement all the way around to help growers make decisions in this area.
Q: Well, I know folks want to learn more about Endure Carbon, their local FS cooperative. Great place to start.
I want to talk about this as well. Announced earlier in the week here of NAFB partnership between Growmark and Indigo Ag. Kind of a biological type partnership here. Give us the details on this very exciting stuff.
LR: Yeah, so we’ve been looking at biologicals for a number of years and got to work with Indigo on the carbon space too, but learned a little bit deeper about what they’ve got going on the biological space.
So you know, actually Indigo started as a biologicals company that was their roots. So they have really unique science and products like a lot of their products are patented, which is very unique in the biological space. They’ve also been able to stabilize products that a lot of other companies haven’t been able to and the graham negative side of the equation that bring a lot of value to potential to growers.
So that’s all part of it. You know, kind of unique products with good ROIs and yield results. Stabilizing those products to zero moisture in a talc-based powder basically enabled the big driver of this relationship and the release of this clip system they call it, where it’s kind of K-cups for biologicals where they’re put in the clip system and the biological into the hard side seed box. And the biological is deployed as you empty that container of seed into a planter or tender.
Really novel concept that brings advantages of timing, efficacy, some operational efficiency for our people. Being able to treat with fungicide and insecticide earlier, if you mix liquid inoculants with that, it starts killing them. So there’s this small window of opportunity in the spring. It kind of broadens that out because we’re keeping the microbe that we want to keep alive separate from those chemicals that are going to damage it. So a lot of cool advantages with that delivery system and of course great science and good products along with it.
Q: Absolutely. Well, I’m sure again if folks would learn more about all the different sustainability and initiatives that Growmark is working on the Endure Carbon. Looking at the biological partnership and more. Just so many great things that you guys do as a cooperative. And again, I think it comes down to going to your local FS cooperative online. A lot of great ways to get in touch and work with Growmark. Right?
LR: Yeah, we’d love to engage growers on these issues and bring new value to the farm gate.