WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Tina Smith (D-Minn.) have reintroduced legislation to expand mental health resources and substance use services in rural areas. The Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act of 2025 would establish a grant program to fund demonstration projects that provide mental health services to medically underserved individuals in rural areas or in the farming, fishing and forestry industries.
“Every South Dakotan who is struggling with mental health deserves easy access to the care they need,” said Rounds. “However, our rural population may not have easy access to an in-person facility specializing in mental health. Using telemental health capabilities will allow South Dakotans from every corner of the state to receive quality care from the comfort of their homes. Not only does this save time and resources, but it provides an important mental health service for citizens in rural areas. Farmers and ranchers in particular deal with stressful conditions that are out of their control, such as challenging weather and price disparities, and under this legislation could benefit from the support of telemental health services that have historically been unavailable in rural areas.”
“When I experienced depression, first in college and then as a young mom, I was lucky enough to have the resources to get me through it. But right now, too many people don’t have access to the mental or behavioral health care they need, and that’s especially true in rural communities,” said Smith. “Our bipartisan bill will help health providers in rural areas expand tele-mental health care services in small towns and rural communities, especially for our farmers, ranchers and foresters, who we know are facing increasing amounts of stress, burnout and other mental challenges.”
Specifically, the Home-Based Telemental Health Act of 2025 would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to expand and enhance access to remote mental health and substance use services for covered populations. These grants will allow these entities to improve service delivery and accessibility to patients. This legislation will not authorize any new spending; it would only allow previously allocated funds to be used to carry out the grant program.
This legislation is endorsed by Avera Health, Monument Health, Sanford Health and the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations.
“I am very pleased that Sen. Rounds is introducing this bill which will help address the significant mental health and substance abuse treatment needs in the farming, fishing and forestry areas of our country,” said Thomas Otten, Vice President for Behavioral Health Services at Avera Health. “Many times individuals working in these industries have very limited access to necessary treatment resources due to distance, time and the nature of their work. This Telemedicine model will deliver necessary services directly to the person which will enhance access and privacy. Undoubtedly, more people will access treatment services because of this initiative – and the research derived from it will lead to improved outcomes for our citizens in need.”
“Access to mental healthcare in our rural areas is an often-overlooked issue, and we are grateful for Senator Rounds’ leadership in addressing this important issue,” said Alan Solano, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for Monument Health. “Telemental health can be effective in eliminating the barriers to treating isolated individuals who may be experiencing anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, or other mental health issues. Monument Health supports Bipartisan Legislation to expand mental health services in rural areas to support our agriculture sector, rural first responders and rural family needs.”
“We continue to see an increased need for mental health services across the country, especially in rural areas of the Midwest,” said David Newman, M.D., Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Virtual Care at Sanford Health. “We are grateful for Sen. Rounds’ proactive leadership on tackling these often stigmatized challenges, and his commitment to providing both quality and convenient access to the most rural communities across the country.”
“The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) wants to thank Sen. Mike Rounds for proposing this Home-Based Telemental Health Care Legislation to establish a home-based telemental health care demonstration program,” said Tim Rave, President and CEO of SDAHO. “It will provide increased access to mental health care for those living in rural medically underserved populations specifically helping our rural residents in the farming, fishing, and forestry occupations.”
Click HERE to read full bill text.