Moffitt Returns to American Farmland Trust


Former USDA Undersecretary Jenny Lester Moffitt joined American Farmland Trust as Senior Fellow, where she’ll focus on enhancing rural America’s vitality. She’ll help support agricultural producers in building their farming operations for future success.
Her portfolio will include work at the intersection of farming, ranching, and the communities in which they play a critical part in future-proofing economies and preserving a rural way of life. Moffitt joins AFT after serving as the USDA Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, the first woman to ever hold that position. While there, she provided leadership to both the Agricultural Marketing Service and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
“We are so pleased to have someone of Jenny’s caliber on our team supporting the never more critical work of building resilience within America’s farm and ranches and the rural communities they are a part of,” says John Piotti (pee-AHT-tee), president and CEO of AFT.

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