MN Wheat Seeking Farmers for ‘Day on the Hill’

RED LAKE FALLS – Minnesota wheat producers are experts in their fields. And the Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers (MAWG) is an expert in advocating for farm-friendly policy in St. Paul and Washington, D.C. MAWG leadership moves the needle for growers, but they can achieve infinitely more when growers carve time out of their busy schedules to tell their stories to legislators, explaining how policies and laws affect their farms.
To give Minnesota wheat farmers the opportunity to do just that, MAWG is hosting its annual Wheat Day on the Hill event Feb. 24-25. Wheat growers from across the state will embark on Feb. 24 for a bus trip to St. Paul, and participants will be on the Hill Feb. 25 to meet with legislators from their district and other lawmakers serving on committees important to agriculture.
“Nobody else can tell our story like we can,” MAWG President Kevin Leiser said. “It means way more when legislators hear our story directly from us instead of a lobbyist or someone else.”
For hotel guarantees, please register by Feb. 14, by calling 218-253-4311 ext. 7 or email; late registrations will be based on hotel availability. Registration includes transportation, meals and hotel room (hotel room based on double occupancy). The event is free to all MAWG members and $150 for all non-members. Visit for more information.
“It’s a good chance to talk with our legislators and to have an open conversation with them,” Leiser said. “Also, it’s a good opportunity to meet your MAWG board members and fellow farmers and discuss issues since you find out a lot of the growers have the same issues as you do. It’s just a good social networking possibility.”

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